Unhealthy Foods For Hair

Unhealthy Foods For Hair

One way to make your hair healthy and looking fresh is to eat healthy and nutritious foods. Nutrition is not just for the body but also for your hair, and the hair has an important role in the development of the human personality. To maintain healthy hair, you should know what foods to avoid.


If you eat unhealthy foods, it will be a big impact for the body mechanism, and can lead to damage, dryness and cause hair loss. As we get older there are several factors that affect hair texture but with proper care, we can still maintain healthy hair, one of which is to avoid unhealthy foods.

And if we can avoid unhealthy foods for hair, you will get shiny hair, fresh, and clean. Stop eating junk food. No matter how delicious these foods, but does not contain healthy nutrients to hair growth. These foods contain a lot of saturated fat can increase the amount of oil production in the body, thus causing the appearance of dandruff and hair loss.

The Kinds of Unhealthy Foods For Hair

The content of beverages

Avoid consumption of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and soft drinks. Because these foods do not contain any useful nutrients for the body, even damage the existing balance of nutrients in the body. Nutrition is very important and necessary for better hair growth, even if we consume alcohol and soft drinks, can actually cause a decrease in nutrient content and quality of your hair and this condition can trigger the excessive hair loss that can causes of baldness.


High cholesterol

Avoid consumption of foods that could potentially lead to high cholesterol. This type of food will increase the levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body. DHT is the production of endocrine hormones, and if level of this hormone increases, it can lead to damaged hair follicles.


Non-iodized salt

Do not consume too much salt. In addition to the mechanism of the body is not healthy, salt is not good for hair growth, because high salt content can destroy hair follicles. Use iodized salt for cooking because iodine is also useful for the growth of healthy hair.


Fish that contain a lot of mercury

According to the experts eat too much fish is one of the causes of hair loss problems. Some fish contain high levels of mercury, and it can causes of hair loss. Fish that have high mercury levels, among others, mackerel and some types of tuna.


Sweet foods

sweet foods that contain lots of sugar not only adversely affect the health of the body, but also on the health of the hair. Eating sugary foods can lead to increased blood sugar, so the body has to keep pumping insulin. It can increase the levels of androgen, a hormone that can make the hair follicles to shrink.

Vitamin A

Consuming too much vitamin A can cause a person to experience hair thinning. Some multivitamins typically contain no harmful substances, but it can occur in vitamin A supplements, because when consumed too much can causes of hair loss. Consult with a health care professional to determine the dose of vitamin A, which is safe for your consumption.


Protein Deficiency

Healthy hair contains a lot of protein. Therefore, people who go on a diet without protein are more likely to experience hair loss. For the vegetarians, keep in mind that not only the protein can be obtained from meat, but can also be found in nuts, tofu and spinach. Foods containing amino acids such as broccoli and wheat can also provide the same benefits as protein for hair growth.


Fried foods

The food is cooked by frying and high in fat should be avoided. Saturated fat is often linked with increased levels of testosterone, which can cause hair loss. Healthy hair needs fat to grow, but what is needed is an essential fatty acid. In addition, saturated fat is also harmful to health as it can lead to obesity and diabetes.So avoid the unhealthy foods that can damage you hair growth and find out the best foods for healthy hair growth that can make your hair grows strong and healthy.

In addition to the above foods are still some unhealthy foods for hair, which should be avoided: foods containing artificial dyes, excessive spices, artificial sweetening foods and much more. In addition to the unhealthy food, malnutrition is another factor that causes hair damage. So, watch your intake of nutrients for your hair look more beautiful. Keep take care of your hair health, don't let your hair fall out and bald because your hair is one of the sources of your confidence. But for the best cure of hair loss or baldness, please visit the best below:

Cure Your Baldness Today

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